“𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭.” 溝通的重要性不在話下,怎樣可以達到有效的溝通才是重點。透過有效的溝通,"銷售"自己跟你的想法,讓聽眾能夠信服且買單,是我們終其一生的課題。 一般想到銷售 (sales),直覺就是業務工作賣東西賣服務,就所謂的"軟實力" (soft skill),其實不然! 申請學校就是一個溝通、銷售、說服的過程,面試官是聽眾,你要賣的是你這個申請者、你和這間學校是天造地設命定搭配的這個"想法"。又或是申請工作實習、應徵工作,小組討論,都在應用"溝通、銷售、說服"的概念邏輯。 力可邀請Chen-en來分享並傳授他身為學霸、人生勝利組的觀察跟個人經驗,引導學生如何達到說服的藝術。 講座全程約【1.5 小時】 【講座時間】 Sept. 9, Sept. 10, Oct. 14, and Oct. 15 afternoons 適合【10-12年級】 【費用】 NTD 1,000 (3人以上價錢) 【你可學到】
說話的藝術是一個可以後天學習、加強的能力,跟我們一起精進說服力! 【Sign Up 報名方式】 Online Form 線上報名 Line: (@TrinityScholar) Email到[email protected] Call 致電 886-2-27716002 了解擁有良好溝通力的高中生,如何在他們的學業、未來職業生涯上佔有重要的優勢。 【講者介紹】
Chen-en Tsaur "𝑑𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘, 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑒." Chen-en 的職業生涯開始於德意志銀行,她在紐約跟倫敦都待過,主要負責風險管理跟墊子銷售交易。過去10幾年,她在FIS、MSCI (NYSE: MSCI)、以及CFRA Research (Center of Financial Research and Analysis, NYSE: DB) 等機構協助他們拓展新市場,並且在亞太區開拓重要的客戶。 Chen en的演講經驗十分豐富,特別是關於便利化、會議設計、有效溝通等主題。自去年開始,她也在線上教授問題解決的課程。 Chen-en擁有法國INSEAD商學院的MBA學位,以及美國卡內基美隆大學的金融學士學位。 Chen-en has developed her career at Deutsche Bank in New York and London, where she has been responsible for risk management and electronic sales trading. Over the past decade, she has helped FIS, MSCI, and CFRA Research expand into new markets and grow key accounts in APAC. As the Head of Business Development at CFRA Research, she led the team in achieving product-market fit for niche equity research products through a combination of industry insights and cross-functional communication. Chen-en is an experienced speaker who frequently presents on facilitation, meeting design, and effective communication. She has been teaching an online course on problem-solving since 2022. She holds an MBA from INSEAD and a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Carnegie Mellon University. 【聽眾對於Chen-en講座的回饋】
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January 2025