Based on the recent data from Common App, till Feb. 2021, among all the applicants applying via Common App, only 44% submitted SAT or ACT scores, which represents a huge decrease from last year, 77% in 2020.
It's not that surprising since more and more universities have opt-in flexible application requirements on tests, plus the test cancellation due to the pandemic. Does this mean that when applying to those more selective schools, we'd really go for "test optional"? We are not so sure to jump to conclusions. Let's take a look of the numbers. For those applicants to more selective universities, the dropping rates of submitting ACT or SAT are actually lower than that of the less selective ones. As students and colleges adapt to new realities and changes to the college admissions process, College Board is making sure our programs adapt with them. We’re making some changes to reduce demands on students.
We are no longer offering SAT Subject Tests™ in the U.S. Because SAT Subject Tests are used internationally for a wider variety of purposes, we’ll provide two more administrations, in May and June of 2021, for international students.
We will also discontinue the optional SAT Essay after the June 2021 administration.
If you need more information, feel free to contact us via online form, email ([email protected]), call: 886-2-2771-6002, or Line: @mqz4477g To get the latest news, join our Line Official Account (@mqz4477g) or subscribe to our newsletter to get the first hand news.
TrinityScholar's Key TakeawaysJuniors--Why you should continue preparing SAT/ACT. Although many universities have already announced that for Fall 2021, they will go with “test optional” or waive the requirement of SAT/ACT results, if you do have a decent result to share, it could bring you some advantages in the decision process. Without a standardized test result, we can imagine how difficult it will be for the Admission Committee to make the decisions. Therefore, if you have a decent result, it will make it easier for them to decide if you are academically qualified for the school and reach a conclusion. Also, no standardized test result means they need to rely heavily on your official transcript. If you happen to be someone who didn’t pick up upper school works in time, then this might be at your disadvantage. A good SAT/ACT result can be a good support for your low or not that ideal GPA. Younger Students We know that the influences of COVID-19 will not just disappear but linger for a couple of months or even years. Therefore, prepare yourself early on after entering high school will be a better idea. Moreover, if you can have a satisfied score in junior or even sophomore year, then you don’t need to worry what would happen to later tests no matter it’s test format change or sudden cancellation. You can also plan your extracurricular life better to give yourself enough time and space to demonstrate your unique characters to the colleges to get a better shot. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
To get the latest news, join our Line Official Account (@mqz4477g) or subscribe to our newsletter to get the first hand news. College placement test organizers, College Board and ACT.org just announced that all SAT and ACT tests are cancelled due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), till mid June. CollegeBoard update on Mar. 17
ACT.org update on March 20
Our winter holiday classes were just wrap up last week and we can't wait to share you how great our students' performances have improved. At TrinityScholar, our goal is to help the students' to reach their dreams in higher heights; cramming for a test is never our sole mission. However, it happens that you get everything prepared but lack the last milestone to a better score. With our unique and customized teaching methods, we assure you not only an improvement, but one with efficiency and effectiveness. The numbers speak for themselves. Let's see the amazing improvements of TrinityScholar's students this winter. Performance Improvement
This could be you!2020 Spring/ Summer Boot Camps for |
In the last couple years, the admission requirement on standardized tests, i.e. SAT, ACT, AP, IELTS, TOEFL, and so on, is getting more and more diversified and flexible. According to “Will UC schools drop their SAT scores requirement?”, a recent article on L.A. Times, by TERESA WATANABE, it said that the University of California system, one of the largest public university system in the U.S., is considering dropping the SAT and ACT as an admissions requirement, for the reason that the standardized tests are increasingly seen as an unfair admission barrier. |
Our Takeaways
However, when you look into the details, there are different situations that fits different applicants.
1. No SAT/ACT at all for all students – such as Pitzer College (except homeschooled, Joint Medical Program applicants, and students attending schools from which grades are not provided.)
2. No SAT/ACT for US or Canadian citizens, still required for international students. – such as Brandeis University
3. Applicants can choose to submit different test results such as SAT, ACT, 3 AP test results, or 3 SAT II Subject Test results. However, this might also come with additional requirements. For example, the University of Chicago requires at least 1 of these SAT subjects has to be math or science, and 1 be English, Social Science, Arts or World Languages. As for AP exams, they need to be at least one in Math, Computer Science, or Science and at least one in English, History, or Language..
University of California system is the most popular college system in the US with nearly or over 100,000 applicants to its top 3 campuses (LA, SD and Berkeley), and the single largest university source of customers for the College Board. Test-optional is not an easy decision to make. It’s highly doubtful that UC will go with no requirement for all applicants, but set up new application rules. So, here comes a more important question, “what’s the fairer alternative(s) of SAT and ACT as admission requirements, free from family income, parents’ education, or even race?”
The numbers speak for themselves. Let's see the amazing improvements of TrinityScholar's students in different tests.
Student C.Y. SAT Mock Exam on 6/10 880 & on 6/26 1290, score improvement 410 points in 2 weeks Student A.C. SAT Mock Exam on 6/10 890 & on 6/26 1140, score improvement 250 points in 2 weeks Student N.H. PSAT Mock Exam on 6/18 1130 & on 6/25 1500 core improvement 370 points in 1 week | Student A.W. SAT Mock Exam on 7/22 1130 & on 8/7 1240, score improvement 110 points in 2 weeks Student S.K. SAT Mock Exam on 7/22 1290 & on 8/7 1470, score improvement 180 points in 2 weeks Student B.S. SAT Mock Exam on 7/22 1160 & on 8/7 1330, score improvement 170 points in 2 weeks Student D.W. SAT Mock Exam on 7/22 1490 & on 8/7 1540, score improvement 50 points in 2 weeks Student P.C. SAT Mock Exam on 7/22 1310 & on 8/7 1470, score improvement 160 points in 2 weeks Student E.K. SAT Mock Exam on 7/22 930 & on 8/7 1130, score improvement 200 points in 2 weeks |
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