Time flies, it's almost the end of summer break, and the forth/ last sessions of TrinityScholar's summer group class of SAT/ ACT/ L3 are about to start. Here are some feedback from the Session 1 and 2 students, which made us burst into happy tears, no kidding! V.C., (SAT Advanced class 7/1-7/18)
With the help of the teachers here at Trinity Scholar, I’ve managed to improve my SAT score by 150 points overall in just three weeks. Math was initially the subject I was weaker at. Ever since I started preparing for the SAT, I haven’t been able to score over 650 for my math. However, on the last mock test we had for the SAT summer course, I managed to score a 760 for math. I am very thankful for the kind and understanding teachers here for always supporting me and helping me analyse my problem and find ways to improve. C.Y. (SAT Strategy class 6/10-6/27 and SAT Advanced class 7/1-7/18) 在trinity我學到了很多,老師也給我們照顧,我從第一次考880神速進步至1280,之後可能更高。老師給我們足夠課本、足夠練習卻又沒有很多考試,沒有太大壓力,學習也比較好。我在上完課後也有參加study hall,雖然老師逼著我們背單字,卻十分有效的顯現在reading 上,讓我成績又更上一層樓。 H.T. (ACT Advanced class 7/1-7/18) Trinity Scholar motivates me to push myself. As a kid with a short attention span, studying for even the subjects I usually enjoy is a challenge. When it comes to standardised tests… well… let’s just say I was not the most enthusiastic student. However, at Trinity Scholar they provide me an environment where I can maximise my study efficiency. Knowledgeable teachers are always around to mentor me and there is a plethora of practise problems which I can work on and familiarise myself with the test in general. A.C. (SAT Strategy class 6/10-6/27 and SAT Advanced class 7/1-7/18) 原本很不願意在暑假的時候上課,可是來了以後,我反而覺得沒來真的會後悔。SAT的分數只有進步再進步,而且我與和這裡的老師學到了很多SAT的Tips。來這裡上課讓我這個暑假比以往更充實了,也覺得對我有很大的幫助。課後的自習也很值得待,因為可以讓我很自律的讀書背單詞,也有老師幫助我加強我比較不會的方面。來了當然不負期望的學習到了很多,更重要的是只要有疑問,這裡的每一位老師都非常樂意幫助我,讓我更有動力的學習了。 Howard (ACT Advanced Class 7/1-7/18) 在我來這個補習班之前,我ACT的成績只有二十出頭,但在三星期後,成績竟然進步了五分,而且這裡的老師還有職員們都很友善,根本不會讓我不想來補習。如果下次還有要準備考試的話,一定會再次選擇Trinity Scholar的。
Hello! This time, we'd like to share you the L3 Honors Class about the issue of fake news. The development of technology is extremely rapid, and there is more and more fake news which seems quite authentic. The ability to identify fake news has become an important skill nowadays. Facebook is the most popular social media nowadays, and it is a platform full of fake news. Many Facebook users have asked Facebook team to forbid those unreal posts, whereas Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, said that all the Facebook users have the right to enjoy the freedom of speech, therefore they would not ban the fake news. The statement irritated some netizens, and they made a fake video with Mark saying that he wanted to rule the world to satirize the social media giant’s policy. Fortunately, Facebook started to take actions by using 43 fact-checking organisations. Besides the language, teacher also wanted to cultivate pupils’ cognitive ability, hoping that students will not blindly believe everything that is posted on the internet. Summer Schedule &How To Sign UpL3 Reading and Writing 2019 Summer Class Schedule
October 2024