Topic One:What should I do this summer? 如何選擇規劃暑期活動?
雖然暑假還有好幾個月之遙, 但是想要參加暑期活動的同學們, 現在就要找好想要申請的課程, 並且準備遞交申請囉!!
在決定參加哪一個類型的暑期活動之前, 應該要先仔細的回顧自己過去一年的成績以及參與的各項活動, 找出自己有興趣想要繼續延伸的, 或是平時因為缺少時間而無法參與的活動為優先選擇, 這樣才能把這段珍貴的時間做最好的利用, 為自己的大學申請做更周全的準備!!
想要了解更多嗎? 歡迎參加我們的說明會~~ 名額有限, 請盡快報名喲!
- Summer Camp 夏令營: 內容以活動為主, 通常適合年紀比較小或沒有獨自出國經驗的小朋友.
- Summer School 暑期課程: 內容以學科課程為主, 又可以區分為由大學開設的資賦優異類課程, 或是中學開設的一般課程. 申請的時候多半需要提供在校成績, 或是TOEFL考試結果等.
- Volunteer 志工活動: 可以是國內的偏鄉志工, 動保志工, 醫院志工, 藝術志工, 或是國際志工…等等. 並沒有哪一種類的志工經驗比較"好”, 學生應該要依照自己的興趣, 可以分配的時間, 或是想要服務的對象來選擇.
- Internship 實習: 學生可以在一般企業, 或是其他單位實習.
- Research Project - 研究計畫. 有的學生會利用暑假期間跟著老師做科學的研究, 或是參加不同的研習營隊.
- Test Prep 考試補習: 如果已經要進入11, 12年級, 但標準考試成績還缺那臨門一腳的學生, 可能就得考慮利用暑假來做密集加強了!!!
在決定參加哪一個類型的暑期活動之前, 應該要先仔細的回顧自己過去一年的成績以及參與的各項活動, 找出自己有興趣想要繼續延伸的, 或是平時因為缺少時間而無法參與的活動為優先選擇, 這樣才能把這段珍貴的時間做最好的利用, 為自己的大學申請做更周全的準備!!
想要了解更多嗎? 歡迎參加我們的說明會~~ 名額有限, 請盡快報名喲!
Though summer is still months away, if you are interested in signing up for a significant summer, you should start working now.
Basically, summer activities can be categorized into the following types.
Before making your decision about what to do this summer, you should review your school performance and extracurricular activities you’ve participated in carefully, and figure out which one you would like to continue, or something you are interested in but could not pursuit during the semesters due to time limit. This way, you can take best use of your summer vacation and help yourself build an attractive profile for college application.
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Basically, summer activities can be categorized into the following types.
- Summer Camp – Activities mostly, suitable for younger kids or students with limited travel experiences.
- Summer School – Academic courses mostly. Including college hosted talented programs, or high school hosted academic programs. Students might need to submit their school transcript and standardized test results, such as TOEFL, while applying.
- Volunteer – it could be volunteer programs in remote villages, animal protection volunteer, hospital volunteer, art volunteer, or international volunteers. There’s no “better” volunteer experiences, students should choose based on their interests and their availability, or whom they would like to serve.
- Internship – some might want to intern at private sectors or other institutions to gain hands on experiences.
- Research Projects – some students will use summer to do science projects with school teachers or participate in science camps to further their understandings.
- Test Prep – if you are a rising junior or senior, and haven’t had a satisfying standardized test results, you might want to consider devoting your summer in test preparation.
Before making your decision about what to do this summer, you should review your school performance and extracurricular activities you’ve participated in carefully, and figure out which one you would like to continue, or something you are interested in but could not pursuit during the semesters due to time limit. This way, you can take best use of your summer vacation and help yourself build an attractive profile for college application.
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Topic Two:I have an American dream. 美國大學申請指南
想要去美國念大學卻不確定有哪些考試需要完成? 該從何下手準備? 申請管道有哪些? 差別是甚麼? 要準備多少錢? 可以先在台灣讀大一,之後再申請轉學嗎?
如果你心中有著這些疑惑, 請來參加我們的說明會!! 我們將會清楚回答以上的所有問題, 並且開放學生/家長發問!
想要了解更多嗎? 歡迎參加我們的說明會~~ 名額有限, 請盡快報名喲!
Want to go to US for college but not sure which tests to take? How to prepare? When to apply? Differences among different schools and programs? How much money is needed? Can I go to college in Taiwan first, then transfer to a US college?
If you are bothered by these questions, our information session is what you need! We will explain the above mentioned questions clearly, and answer your questions directly.
Want to learn more? Come join our Information Session. Space is limited, sign up now!
如果你心中有著這些疑惑, 請來參加我們的說明會!! 我們將會清楚回答以上的所有問題, 並且開放學生/家長發問!
- 直接申請/ 條件式入學/ 社區大學: 差別在哪裡, 哪一條路適合我?
- SAT vs ACT 傻傻分不清: 該考哪一個考試? 甚麼時候開始準備?
- 在校成績重要嗎?
- 聽說志工經驗很重要!!! 需要做多少小時才夠?
- 我想進常春藤盟校!!! 請告訴我該怎麼做!!
- 美國好貴!! 還有其他選擇嗎?
想要了解更多嗎? 歡迎參加我們的說明會~~ 名額有限, 請盡快報名喲!
Want to go to US for college but not sure which tests to take? How to prepare? When to apply? Differences among different schools and programs? How much money is needed? Can I go to college in Taiwan first, then transfer to a US college?
If you are bothered by these questions, our information session is what you need! We will explain the above mentioned questions clearly, and answer your questions directly.
- Direct application/ Conditional offer/ Community college. What’s the differences? Which one fits me better?
- SAT vs ACT? Which test to take? When to start prepare for it?
- Does school GPA matter?
- They said that volunteering experience is very important. How many hours do I need?
- I want to go to Ivy League schools. Tell me how to do that.
- US is so expensive, do I have other choices?
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